jueves, 28 de enero de 2010


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Que bonito color es el turquesa, ¿no? A mi me fascina, ya lo converti en mi color particular. Ese y el negro ya son mis colores. Pero bueno, el tema no es ese.

Dicen que quien tiene tu nombre te conoce y te controla. No me parece justo, entonces, que nuestros padres elijan los nuestros.
Supongo yo que muchos se preguntaran por que los nombres que tengo aqui. Digo, el blog se llama "Sopa de colores", y suena a que se lo puse en honor a lo que vi en un viaje de LSD. Desafortunadamente, "sunshine" (un apodo del acido previamente mencionado, por si no lo sabian :)) y yo no nos conocemos personalmente; lo mas cerca que hemos estado es "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". Y mi Nom de Plume es "The Lady Door." La Dama Puerta. No hace mucho sentido, verdad? "The Lady Door" es un nombre que jamas debio traducirse al español, porque en ingles suena precioso. Algun dia tendre una hija que se va a llamar asi. Tengo un personaje que se llama asi: Tàri Shawnee Domino Door. Le dicen Tàri. O Dom. O Door.

En serio, Door me encanta como nombre.

Pero bueno, les explico por que los nombres.

Sopa de Colores se llama Sopa de Colores porque necesitaba ponerle nombre a esta madrey no se me ocurria nada bueno. Y ahi me tienen, rompiendome la cabeza para encontrar un buen nombre para este pequeño rinconcito web que iba a ser solamente mio, bendito Ilùvatar. El nombre tenia que tener una sola caracteristica: ser unnombre "yo".Un nombre "Fer."
Ironicamente, en ese momento, se conecto mi tocaya adorada y dueña de uno de esos pedacitos de mi corazon que se entregaron solos a ciertas personas, Fera. Y Fera traia como nick en el MSN "What a colorful suicide". Y eso me dejo pensando. Un suicidio de colores. Podria ser, porque si algunos miembros de mi familia leen esto,seguro me matan. Pero no...suena ligeramente Emo, y no quiero sonar asi. La nocion de los colores me gusta. Me gusta lo psicodelico, lo extravagante. Entonces pensè en un fondo negro, y de ese fondo negro vi brotar una espiral de colores, como oleos o pasteles, que se revolvian,formaban manchas, espirales, formas indefinidas e irregulares... como una sopa, mas o menos.

Y asi, en un viaje sobrio, o peda mental, nacio el nombre de este espacio extraño.

Ahora volvemos al turquesa para explicar el "The Lady Door".

Tengo un tio maravilloso. Es un tio que veia mucho cuando estaba peque. El venia TODAS las navidades a casa de mis abuelos, con su mama y su hermana (a la que tambien adoro como no se imaginan) Este tio es un "geek funcional". Osea, no te enteras de que es geek a menos que el quiera que te enteres que es geek, o que lo conoscas y sepas las cosas que tiene guardadas y coleccionadas, o como se llaman (llamaban) sus tortuguitas. Entonces si dices "homigod, GEEK!". Por culpa de ESE tio, yo soy la geek que soy ahora.
Si no fuera por el adorado tio Gandalf (como lo llamaremos por razones de privacidad Y chiste local) yo no habria sabido que era la Tierra Media hasta 2001, que estreno la pelicula de "El Señor de Los Anillos"; si no fuera por el mismo tio, no habria salido de la sala de cine de dicha pelicula preguntando que carajos habia pasado con Tom Bombadil y Godlberry. De no ser por el Tio Gandalf, yo no seria la fan que soy de cosas como Batman, los X Men, Tim Burton, Alan Moore y todo lo que de ese hombre derive, las novelas graficas per se...
Si mi tio Gandalf no me hubiera hecho recitar a la tierna edad de seis años todas las razas de la tierra media....probablemente yo seria un caso perdido de Fanaticus Belindus, o alguna mamada asi. Por eso, Dios, Gracias por el tio Gandalf y su hermana, que sera la tia Arwen en este post.

Gracias a la geekes inducida por el tio en cuestion, me meti cañon en ese turbio mundo que son las novelas de fantasia, graficas o no. Y en este turbulento y vertiginoso viaje conoci a los amores de mi vida: La saga de Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings, Stravaganza, Anne Rice, Edgar Allan Poe, Lovecraft, Gregory Maguire y sus "Wicked Times", Sergei Lukyanenko y "Nochnoy Dozor" (y novelas subsecuentes), Terrance Zdunich con "Repo! the Genetic Opera" y "The Molting"... y Neil Gaiman.
Ah, Santo Neil Gaiman, que esta comprometido, por cierto, con una de mis artistas favoritas, Amanda Palmer, vocalista de los Dresden Dolls. De musica luego hablamos.

Neil Gaiman es un autor de novelas fantasticas. Muchos lo conoceran por su novela grafica "Sandman" y su continuacion "Death". Yo lo conoci en casa de una vieja amiga (una historia para despues), que tenia en sus repisas una copia de "Death". Fue amor a primera vista.
Luego vino Stardust. Para entonces, Gaiman ya tenia mi corazón en una bandeja de plata. Y despues, con Coraline, el destino derribo toda oposicion que pude haber puesto para entregarme al fandom de lleno,
Obviamente, antes de entregarme totalmente a este recien descubierto talento, habia que consultar al oraculo de la sabiduria pasada, presente y por venir.
Wikipedia, hablanos de Neil Gaiman.
Neil Richard Gaiman (pronounced /ˈɡeɪmən/)[2] (born 10 November 1960[3]) is an English author of science fiction and fantasy short stories and novels, graphic novels, comics, audio theatre, and films. His notable works include The Sandman graphic novel series, Stardust, American Gods, Coraline, and The Graveyard Book. Gaiman's writing has won numerous awards, including the Hugo, Nebula, and Bram Stoker, as well as the 2009 Newbery Medal. The extreme enthusiasm of his fans has led some to call him a "rock star" of the literary world.
After forming a friendship with graphic novel writer Alan Moore, Gaiman started writing graphic novels, picking up Marvelman after Moore finished his run on the series. Gaiman and artist Mark Buckingham collaborated on several issues of the series before its publisher, Eclipse Comics, collapsed, leaving the series unfinished. His first published comic strips were four short Future Shocks for 2000 AD in 1986-7. He wrote three graphic novels with his favorite collaborator and long-time friend Dave McKean: Violent Cases, Signal to Noise, and The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr. Punch. In between, he landed a job with DC Comics, his first work being the limited series Black Orchid.[17]
Gaiman has written numerous comics for several publishers. His award-winning series The Sandman tells the tale of Morpheus, the anthropomorphic personification of Dream. The series began in 1989 and concluded in 1996: the 75 issues of the regular series, along with an illustrated prose text and a special containing seven short stories, have been collected into 12 volumes that remain in print (14 if the Death spinoff is taken into account).
In 1989, Gaiman published The Books of Magic (collected in 1991), a four-part mini-series that provided a tour of the mythological and magical parts of the DC Universe through a frame story about an English teenager who discovers that he is destined to be the world's greatest wizard. The miniseries was popular, and sired an ongoing series written by John Ney Rieber.
In the mid-90s, he also created a number of new characters and a setting that was to be featured in a title published by Tekno Comix. The concepts were then altered and split between three titles set in the same continuity: Lady Justice, Mr. Hero the Newmatic Man, and Teknophage.[18] They were later featured in Phage: Shadow Death and Wheel of Worlds. Although Neil Gaiman's name appeared prominently on all titles, he was not involved in writing of any of the above-mentioned books (though he helped plot the zero issue of Wheel of Worlds).
Gaiman wrote a semi-autobiographical story about a boy's fascination with Michael Moorcock's anti-hero Elric for Ed Kramer's anthology Tales of the White Wolf. In 1996, Gaiman and Ed Kramer co-edited The Sandman: Book of Dreams. Nominated for the British Fantasy Award, the original fiction anthology featured stories and contributions by Tori Amos, Clive Barker, Gene Wolfe, Tad Williams, and others.
Asked why he likes comics more than other forms of storytelling Gaiman said “One of the joys of comics has always been the knowledge that it was, in many ways, untouched ground. It was virgin territory. When I was working on Sandman, I felt a lot of the time that I was actually picking up a machete and heading out into the jungle. I got to write in places and do things that nobody had ever done before. When I’m writing novels I’m painfully aware that I’m working in a medium that people have been writing absolutely jaw-droppingly brilliant things for, you know, three-four thousand years now. You know, you can go back. We have things like The Golden Ass. And you go, well, I don’t know that I’m as good as that and that’s two and a half thousand years old. But with comics I felt like — I can do stuff nobody has ever done. I can do stuff nobody has ever thought of. And I could and it was enormously fun.”[19]
In 2009, Gaiman wrote a two-part Batman story for DC Comics to follow Batman R.I.P. It is titled "Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?" a play off of the classic Superman story "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" by Alan Moore.[20][21][22] He will also be contributing a twelve-page Metamorpho story drawn by Mike Allred for Wednesday Comics, a weekly newspaper-style series.
In a collaboration with author Terry Pratchett (best known for his series of Discworld novels), Neil Gaiman's first novel Good Omens was published in 1990. In recent years Pratchett has said that while the entire novel was a collaborative effort and most of the ideas could be credited to both of them, Pratchett did a larger portion of writing and editing if for no other reason than Gaiman's scheduled involvement with Sandman.[23]
The 1996 novelization of Neil Gaiman's teleplay for the BBC mini-series Neverwhere was his first solo novel. The novel was released in tandem with the television series though it presents some notable differences from the television series. In 1999 first printings of his fantasy novel Stardust were released. The novel has been released both as a standard novel and in an illustrated text edition.
American Gods became one of Gaiman's best-selling and multi-award winning novels upon its release in 2001.[24]
In 2005, his novel Anansi Boys was released worldwide. The book deals with Anansi ('Mr. Nancy'), a supporting character in American Gods. Specifically it traces the relationship of his two sons, one semi-divine and the other an unaware Englishman of American origin, as they explore their common heritage. It hit the New York Times bestseller list at number one.[25]
In late 2008, Gaiman released a new children's book, The Graveyard Book. It follows the adventures of a boy named Bod after his family is murdered and he is left to be brought up by a graveyard. It is heavily influenced by Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book. As of late January 2009, it has been on the New York Times Bestseller children's list for fifteen weeks.[26]
As of 2008, Gaiman has several books planned. After a tour of China, he decided to write a non-fiction book about his travels and the general mythos of China. Following that, will be a new 'adult' novel (his first since 2005's Anansi Boys). After that, another 'all-ages' book (in the same vein as Coraline and The Graveyard Book). Following that, Gaiman says that he will release another non-fiction book called, The Dream Catchers

Regresa! Lee!
Ves esa parte en la que hablan de esta serie que despues novelizo? Si, esa! Neverwhere!

Neverwhere is the story of Richard Mayhew and his adventures through London. At the start of the story, he is a young businessman, with a normal life. All this changes, however, when he stops to help a mysterious young girl who appears before him, bleeding and weakened, as he walks with his fiancée to dinner to meet her influential boss.
The morning after Richard rescued the girl, Door, from the streets, she is greatly recovered, and sends him to find the Marquis de Carabas, a man who will be able to help Door escape two infamous and seemingly inhuman assassins, the Messrs; Croup and Vandemar. Richard brings the Marquis back to his apartment to meet Door, only to see both of them vanish immediately. Soon after, Richard begins to realize the consequences of his actions. He appears to have become invisible; he loses his job, where no one seems to recognize him, and his apartment is rented out to other people.

Ya no les pongo mas porque serian Spoilers.
Lady Door, from London Below. La Dama Door, del Londres de Abajo. Protagonista de una historia fantastica, escrita por un autor fabuloso. Amo a ese personaje. Door es mi hit. Y aqui, en este espacio que es mio,Yo soy Lady Door.

Y ahora que lo pienso, este blog bien se pudo haber llamado "London Below", o "El Londres de Abajo".

2 comentarios:

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Mcrow dijo...

Muchas gracias por este post.
Me ha emocionado mucho.
Me gusta el nombre de Sopa de Colores, deberìas dejarlo.

Un beso muy muy grande.

The Lady Door dijo...

Gracias! Si, Sopa de Colores se queda, no se lo pienso cambiar. Me costo trabajo!
Y me da gusto que te haya emocionado. esta como que escrito para tu persona =D

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Datos personales

Mi foto
Joven eterna, perdida en la traduccion; si me reinterpretan, no se entiende. Inmortal por decision propia. La chica de la que hablan las canciones. Amanda Young, Claire Constantine, Clairette Keir, Shilo Wallace.

Diseñado por: Compartidísimo
Con imágenes de: Scrappingmar©

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